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Showing posts from September, 2019

13 Essential Car Accessories Car Owners Must Have

Keeping your car in order like holding a  powerful car vacuum  is essential in order to bear with the unfavorable circumstance you may happen to face. You may say you have access to everything, but what about the time you do not, that is the specialty of future, unfavorable circumstances do not come informed or screaming, you happen to get stuck and staying prepared is always better like the  strongest car vacuum .  All the items on the list may not fit into your car especially if it is small enough with little additional storage space. Hence the best you can do is sort out your priorities and keep stuff according to that.      1.For road emergencies You are bound to face these absolutely anywhere and everywhere as repairs are part of a car’s working system. This stuff must be your topmost priority and they include tire changing supplies which you would have in your car already but make sure you check on them regularly such as a spare ti...

How to Paint Brake Calipers and Drums with VHT Caliper Paint

If you want to freshen up the look of your brake calipers and brake drums with  VHT Caliper Paint , you’re in the right place. If the brake calipers and drums you want to paint have signs of aging, like old paint or corrosion, you’ll want to have  VHT Caliper Cleaner  and a good wire brush on hand, as well. In this video, the gang at VHT will show you, step by step, how to properly clean your surfaces, and then how to apply the VHT paint to your calipers and drums as part of VHT’s restoration of a  1972 Plymouth Satellite Sebring Plus . Read More:

5 Pet-Friendly Flooring Options

The right flooring is a significant aspect of the building of your home. If you are a pet owner it concerns you more, like shedding, scratching on the floor’s surface, tracking dirt from the outdoors by your furry friends will make you crazy. More than 6 in 10 households in the US are having pets and to select suitable flooring for them needs a lot of research. While searching for the pet-friendly flooring options, the major aspects one must keep in their minds are: Resistance to scratches from the sharp nails of the pets Resistance to damage which depends on their size, weight and nail length Pet comfort Pet traction What kind of flooring is best for my pets? Simply, there is no flooring which is always perfect.  Based on different preferences of the owner and his pets, one has to go through different options like hardwood flooring, carpet or carpet tiles, bamboo flooring, cork flooring, laminate flooring, stone tile flooring, etc. Each one of them has pros and cons a...

DIY Car Painting Tips

If you think you have painted other stuff and so you will be using the same technique to paint a car and you are done, you are mistaken. Those are 2 different concepts as painting a car is nowhere equal to painting anything else, say a wall. You need to keep track of the stuff you need to have to successfully paint your car and give it a new yet ravishing look. This is the reason why your car painting jobs demand a lot of money off you, now this mustn’t hamper you from doing the job, do it yourself for we provide you with DIY Car Painting Tips. Essential tools Paint or  best brake caliper paint  is just the most vital stuff to Paint your Brake Calipers but the tools are what makes cap painting unique as you will be needing g lot of them. You will need 1200 and 2000 grit wet-and-dry sandpaper, an electric sander, masking tape, an air compressor or a spray gun, newspapers for masking off, face masks, safety glasses, and paint thinners. The last item is ...

Hot And Cold - Car Repair, & Performance | Fluid MotorUnion

After a sick day yesterday, the blog is back up and ready to deliver you more of what’s going on at Fluid MotorUnion HQ in Plainfield, IL. Today we’ll be looking at a few different jobs that fall on either the ‘hot’ side of things, or the ‘cold’ side of things. First up, we’ll start with something hot. As we mentioned in a previous post, in order to deliver heat to the inside of the 993-swapped 911’s cabin, the fan has to push cool air through a special channel in the exhaust manifolds, where that air pulls heat from its surroundings before being piped forward towards the cabin. We’re working on finishing up this piping now that we have the main exhaust pieces in place (mainly that massive muffler). Either way, now that it’s in there for good, we’ve begun working on the pieces of pipe that come from the engine bay and split into two before entering the header. We’re constructing a custom aluminum brace to hold the pipe away from the muffler (to prevent vibration) whi...


Spring is upon us! Birds are chirping, the grass is growing, and the allergies are fast approach. Ugh! It is now time to start cleaning those closets, attics, basements – and don’t forget your cars. Having driving all winter in the snow, slush, ice, and cold, they deserve a little TLC, don’t you think? Rather than taking it to an auto detailer or paying a hefty price for car cleaning services, why not take things into your own, very capable, hands. DIY your car cleaning this spring. Let’s start with a couple of interior car cleaning hacks to help you clean out all of the dirt and gunk that found its way into the cabin over the winter. Before you start getting into the tiny crevices of your car where you know dirty is hiding, remove all your belongings, garbage, and recycling. This will make it easier to find that dirt! You will need a vacuum with a long hose attachment and access to an outlet. This will make it super easy to suck up all that dirt. Wh...

Home Decor Wishlist - Tanya Corinne

Happy Monday babes! Lately I have been having all things home decor on my mind, so I wanted to share my current home decor wishlist with you! My style has definitely changed a lot over the past year or 2, so I have been transitioning out some of my old decor and replacing it with new pieces. Do you guys go through this every once in awhile as well? Home trends change SO quickly that it can be difficult to stay on top of the latest “hot styles”, but a couple of my favorite go to places for home decor are Amazon, Target, and Wayfair. They have TONS of great pieces that are affordable and always up to date with the latest trends. If you click the “+” sign on any of the images above you can get the exact link to each item. The one exception is the Mocktails recipe book. For some reason that correct link wasn’t working on the image. Read More:


Working on my home has been a serious priority this year, which is kinda obvious since I’ve basically finished up six spaces in the last six month. Holy cow… did I just say six in six? Yeah, I guess I did. Anywho, I’m on track to do seven in seven, because we just started our master bedroom makeover. I’ll tell you more about it all next week, but we’ve gotta start at the bottom and do everything from scratch, so why not start with the floors? All throughout our house the floors have slowly been ripped out, one room at a time, and we’ve been replacing them with our DIY 1×8 pine plank floors. I know, I know, it’s kinda controversial. I get emails about them nearly every day, people questioning my crazy idea. Well crazy kinda works for us, so we’re still going with it. We  first did our DIY wood floors about 3 years ago in the kitchen (aka the most used space in our house), and slowly worked our way through the rest of the house. With only the living room left to give new ...