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Showing posts from November, 2019

How to Restore Your Car’s Interior

Some of the symptoms of a beaten car interior include torn leather, moldy dashboard, smelly interior, and brittle seats. There can be so many more problems, and you might encounter these if you’re not careful. While restoration of car interiors are standard work for repair shops, it’s better that you know  how to restore car interior   yourself! Things to Keep in Mind: Tips and Tricks Before hitting on the steps on how to restore your interior, it’s good to have a grasp first on the fundamentals of restoration. Here are a few tips that you should keep in mind: Never Restore Without Cleaning Cleaning is always the most important chore to do when it comes to the interior. Sure, you might get excited over new fabrics,  but clean the surfaces first . An untidy car will be damaged even more if you try to restore it as it is. The Fabrics and Colors Make a Difference Whether you’re replacing plastic, vinyl, or leather, the important part is to get the c...

7 Things to Keep in Your Car to Make Your Life Easier

Have you ever thought about what exactly you have in your car as far as  essentials ? Your idea of emergency kits and necessities may need a refresh and some new additions. Tissues and Wipes:  Even if you don’t have kids, having wipes ready can help quickly clean up drink spills, cleaning off sunglasses, or messes from the kiddos.  Also, consider having a large clean rag in the trunk. If a flat tire or oil leak occurs, it would be easy to clean off your hands. Extra Phone Chargers:  Who doesn’t need more phone chargers throughout the day? Be sure to put an extra car charger or extra battery accessories in the glove compartment.  This could be a big saver if you need to call for help. Umbrella:  Because who knows when it will start raining. Read More –

How to install laminate flooring – tips for installing laminate flooring

Installing Laminate Flooring Is One Of The More Simple Flooring Options To Install. Even Beginner DIYers Can Learn How To Install Laminate Flooring. Materials needed for installing laminate flooring Laminate flooring to cover square footage of your space + 10% extra. Underlayment (if not already attached to the flooring you chose) – Must use as a vapor barrier if installing over concrete. Underlayment also helps to buffer the sound after installation. Spacers for expansion Use 3/8″ spacers for expansion around the perimeter of your space. Rubber Mallet Tapping Block Pull bar How to install laminate flooring Step 1:  Buy your laminate flooring. Always measure the square footage of your space PLUS 10% extra to allow for cuts and mistakes. It happens. Prepare your surface: Remove door and base moulding. If removed carefully, it can be reused in the space after installing laminate flooring. Remove carpet, carpet pad and carpet tacks. (if necessary) Laminate floorin...

How to Choose the Right Stain for Hardwood Floors

STEP 1: Can I and Should I Stain My Floors? You have a choice of staining your floors or keeping them in their natural state. Some floors are perfect for staining, others not so much. Which way you decide will depend on your answers to the following 2 questions… What type of wood floors do I have? If you are fortunate enough to have an exotic or unique wood floor such as mahogany, cherry, walnut, or maple then most likely they shouldn’t be stained. First, these types of wood already look beautiful in their natural state. Often, when homeowners stain their floors, they are trying to imitate these types of wood floors. Second, many of these exotic floors also don’t take being stained well due to the oils or tight grain in the wood. There’s a high chance you won’t be happy with the result. It’s much better to keep them unstained and enjoy their natural beauty. On the other hand, you may have a more common type of hardwood floor like red or white oak. Over time, some finishe...

Best Ways to Clean Car Headlights and How to Do Them

Unfortunately, it might be a little tricky to figure out which method is best used for cleaning your headlights. Which is why today, we will be listing down some of the  best ways to clean car headlights  as well as a mini guide on how to do them. After all, it is easier to maintain than to repair. A hazy pair of headlights  can cause as many accidents  as broken brakes or clutches. This is why it is important to keep your lights in top condition, just like any other parts of an automotive. Best Ways to Clean Car Headlights #1 Toothpaste The first method would be,  cleaning your headlights with toothpaste . Toothpaste is known to have substances that remove cavities and other unwanted particles from the enamel of your teeth. This is due to its mild abrasive content that polishes or “buffs” out any surface. Read For More Information -