Some of the symptoms of a beaten car interior include torn leather, moldy dashboard, smelly interior, and brittle seats. There can be so many more problems, and you might encounter these if you’re not careful. While restoration of car interiors are standard work for repair shops, it’s better that you know how to restore car interior yourself! Things to Keep in Mind: Tips and Tricks Before hitting on the steps on how to restore your interior, it’s good to have a grasp first on the fundamentals of restoration. Here are a few tips that you should keep in mind: Never Restore Without Cleaning Cleaning is always the most important chore to do when it comes to the interior. Sure, you might get excited over new fabrics, but clean the surfaces first . An untidy car will be damaged even more if you try to restore it as it is. The Fabrics and Colors Make a Difference Whether you’re replacing plastic, vinyl, or leather, the important part is to get the c...