Hardwood floors are aesthetically pleasing and enhance the décor of any house. Keeping them well maintained can be quite challenging and when plank floors or tongue and groove hardwood become old they develop gaps. Many issues arise because of the gaps as these become dirt magnets and cleaning them is not simple. When these boards’ cups and curl they can cause falls or trip hazards. Depending on Hardwood Flooring Utah company is the only solution to deal with old wood flooring. When these floorboards are installed on the joists directly, gaps make a room feel drafty. So, when the airflow comes up from the crawlspace or basement the heating system has to work hard to pump heat and it is quite expensive. The developing issue also arises when one tries to fit the nickel on any of the gapped floorboards. You need a wood floor crack repair service at this time. Let’s see why these gaps develop? Why do the gaps develop in the floorboards? For wood flooring Gapping is a ver...