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Showing posts from August, 2021

Six Ladder Safety Tips To Keep You Safe

  As Thanksgiving approaches, holiday decorations will begin lighting our neighborhoods. With the dark days of winter here, I enjoy the extra light. It may also be the last time of the year to clean out leaves from your gutters. No matter what the job may be, ladder safety is important. Every year, thousands of people are injured and hundreds killed while using a ladder. Every time I go on my ladder, I remember falling off my parents’ ladder as a young boy and breaking my collarbone. Though the OSHA guidelines the  height safety installation  system is also in place, still safety guidelines should be known before doing this type of work. Here are some safety tips to make sure your holiday season is spent safely with family and friends. Six Ladder Safety Tips Check your local weather report.  While Black Friday may be the day you choose to put up your decorations, it’s important to pay attention to your local  weather forecast . Standing on a ladder in high winds...

Importance Of Height Safety Systems Service

  Falling from height incidents, besides others, remains one of the most common sources of getting injured at the workplace in Sydney. Despite several fateful occurrences, the common risks associated with working at heights across several buildings in Australia are surprisingly downplayed, misunderstood, and ignored. This is where pinnacle height safety systems make a difference, as they are solely designed and subsequently installed with one idea in mind–to safeguard one and all working at heights. As such, any workplace that requires working at heights can help mitigate the regular incidents of trips, falls, and slips by installing a proper  height safety system in Sydney .  Thus, it is of utmost necessity that one gets their workplace inspected by an expert height safety engineer to avoid any mishaps. As one of the most trusted  Australian height safety services ,  Prime Industrial Access  designs and installs safety systems, as well as advises worksite ...

5 Best Safety Tips Practice For Australian Skyscrapers

  Despite several safety limits and protocols, the number of mishaps in  high-rise buildings in Australia  seems to increase. In Australia alone, working at heights is considered a high-risk activity, and contributes to a rather large number of deaths and injuries.  This has caused not only untimely deaths but also has left people with permanent disabilities. Thus putting their careers and families in a pitfall. Did you see the stats? Over 20 individuals died from working at heights across tall buildings at construction sites and other structures. Also, over 15 people died falling from ladders.   An inspection revealed that injuries from working at heights between 2015 and 2019 in Australia have reported dangerous numbers.     So it has become a threat to many workers and also to the companies. Use of  Anchor Points and Railings: Anchor points play another significant part in  height safety installation . It should be a structu...

How To Improve Safety Working At High Rise Buildings In Australia

  Despite all attempts, the construction industry remains to be the world’s most critical sector. It accounts roughly for 30-40% of the fatal injuries caused each year in service, which is the fourth-highest in Australia.  A thriving economy and rapid urbanization in the country have massively escalated the volume of a high-rise construction site in the land.  Injuries and casualties resulted from falls and the jolt of falling objects are constant threats.  Therefore, safety is of sheer concern when working at a high-rise building construction.  With safety comes the idea of advanced  Height safety installation   systems in such risk-prone areas for the sake of saving lives. For each array of industries, specific customs are to be adhered to. For instance, the workers are subjected to  rope access training  for working effectively with scaffolds, ladders, anchor points and other fall  protection gears .  But in the majority of such ...

How To Avoid Mishap High-Rise Buildings Window Cleaning

  Around 120 deaths have been reported in Australia, because of erroneous gear and resources. The  Australian height safety rules  favour the management of appropriate amenities in every industry dealing in building window cleaning services. Therefore, avoiding accidents is very important to prevent these men from being fatally injured. In Order To Avoid Mishap High-Rise Buildings Window Cleaning One Must Make Sure The Following Are In Proper Function. Equipment Checks: Cleaning highrise windows are like rock climbing. So before setting off to work, one needs to make sure the gears are in proper order. If not, they have to be sent for repairing or replacements to meet the codes and standards. Highly Trained Personnel: For a work of such high risks, the workmen have to be trained beforehand. They need proper knowledge of the protective gears especially the  fall arrest system , which is designed to prevent them from highrise falls.  After proper inspection of gea...